Series 3-The Dawn of Doom

A new mayor in town begins to make things hard for The Claw and the other vigilantes by authorizing anti-vigilante 'police enforcers.'

Crime Shark's allies prepare to break him from jail... the first steps leading up to hideous nightmares that are to be unleashed upon Cycle City!

The introduction of Shattered Shard, the strong arm of the dangerous and mysterious BioMech, that leads to the destruction of one of The Claw's most important allies!

Friday, June 25, 2010

Phase Spectre

Real name: Marla Walsh
Affiliation: The Claw and Intellect Defense
Temperament: Smart, clever, direct, defensive, attentive, sharp, and short-tempered.
Weapons/Equipment: Wears a portable, voice-activated device on her belt that allows her to phase through solid objects. Provides some light fracturing ability but it's not designed for that.
Preferred Strike: A snappy come-back with her quick wit in defense of her work.

A scientist, inventor, designer, and perfectionist. Always trying to rebuild the perfect mousetrap! But in order to rebuild it she needs to locate the flaws, which she does too often.

Designer/builder of The Claw's original L.A.W. weapon/equipment in cooperation with the President/Owner of Intellect Defense.
Also built The Claw's functional model of the newly revised C.L.A.W., thinking the design came from the President/Owner of Intellect Defense.

Also designed/built Random Bishop's Bondman ionic bond equipment and The Claw's S.U.V. Clutch vehicle.

Would rather spend time at a workbench or scientific facility than date or fight crime. But when the odds stack against the Intellect Defense's heroes she realizes she has no choice but to aid in the fight, however she can!

In the line of duty, Marla can't help but now be just a little bit jealous of Todd's growing relationship with the mysterious woman known only as Bionica... Although she would never admit it outloud, or even to herself...

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