Series 3-The Dawn of Doom

A new mayor in town begins to make things hard for The Claw and the other vigilantes by authorizing anti-vigilante 'police enforcers.'

Crime Shark's allies prepare to break him from jail... the first steps leading up to hideous nightmares that are to be unleashed upon Cycle City!

The introduction of Shattered Shard, the strong arm of the dangerous and mysterious BioMech, that leads to the destruction of one of The Claw's most important allies!

Friday, June 25, 2010

Blue Lightening

Real Name: Erol Hyer
The official protector of Cycle City, even though The Claw’s been around longer.
They are natural competitors. Blue Lightening has orders to bring The Claw to justice.
Blue Lightening is openly supported by other companies and affiliates. (Which means he’s a glory-hound cheeseball.)
Carries a flying, arial jet-pack unit. The equivalent of a one-manned, flying fighter jet.

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